About us
The World Confederation of the Past Pupils of FMA, later also called Association, is a lay noprofit association.
It is a group of the Salesian Family, where the Chancellor is the father and the centre of the unit.
People of every age, culture, religion, social status belong to the Association, all over the world.
The members are numerous, if we consider all the young people coming out of 3802 works and educational activities of the Daughters of Mary Help
of Christians in the world.
Every past pupil works to grow as a person, according the Preventive System of Don Bosco: REASON - RELIGION - LOVE, that mean in the human values of DIGNITY, FAITH and SOLIDARITY, with the sensitiveness of the salesian charisma of Maria Domenica Mazzarello, cofounder of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
Every past pupil works for the affirmation of the values where the dignity of the human person is based, working in different fields:
► In the family;
► During work or the study;
► In the social and politic fields;
► In the school, in the spare time, in the social communication.
In the socio cultural realities the past pupils work for:
► Improve the relations with the other past pupils who are in difficulties;
Offer to the members suitable itineraries to deepen the educational heritage;
Guarantee the conditions that are in harmony with the education received in the salesian environment;
Support the solid activities;
Support the activities for young people, for the poor people and to fight the social alienation;
► To find a way to improve the female condition;
Use the mass media as instruments to comunicate the values;
Improve the active participation of the past pupils in the salesian mission, working with the FMA;
► Work with the local church.
Every member:
► Takes part to the educational mission of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians;
► Works according the salesian style;
► Promotes the woman, the life, the family;
► Protects the human rights and peace;
► Promotes the activity for the young people;
► Is open to the intercultural and interrelligious dialogue;
► Works according the Preventive System of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.